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Media Requests

Use this form for getting in touch with us.
Please state in as much detail as possible what you would like to use the contents of the Museum Haus C.G. Jung for and in which media they would appear. We will respond to you using the information you provide.

Photography and Filming at the Museum House C.G. Jung Zurich

All photography and filming on the premises of the Museum Haus C.G. Jung require permission without exception.

The following policies apply:

  • Permission for film and photo shoots must be requested at least 30 days in advance using the form for photography and filming.
  • Permits are not guaranteed, and requests may be declined for no reason.
  • Approval may be granted subject to conditions.
  • If permission is granted, the policies for photography and filming on the museum premises apply.
  • A fee is required for the granting of permission.
  • Special provisions apply to media coverage.

Please state in as much detail as possible what you would like to use the contents of the Museum C.G. Jung House for and in which media they would appear (incl. date).

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