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Foundation and Museum

The Foundation C.G. Jung Küsnacht is the body responsible for the Museum C.G. Jung House. It was established in 2002 with the statutory aim of keeping the memory alive of the physician and explorer of the human soul, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), and that of his wife and associate, Emma Jung-Rauschenbach (1882-1955), of documenting their life, work and living environment, and of advancing and further developing Jungian psychology.

Through his professional career and his scholarly publications, C.G. Jung, came into contact with innumerable people around the world. But also in and around Küsnacht and Zurich, the Jung-Rauschenbach family had a large circle of friends. Thus, the house on the Lake of Zurich has global resonance as well as local significance.
The Museum C.G. Jung House addresses all people and people who wish to engage with the life and work of C.G. and Emma Jung-Rauschenbach, learn about the family history or concern themselves with Jungian psychology.


Susanne Eggenberger-Jung, chairwoman
Martin H. Bidermann, vice-chairman
Irene Gerber
Cathrine Jung-Lanter
Sabina Merk
Andreas Spillmann
Foundation Manager: Sandra Hügli-Jost


Curator: Eva Middendorp-Meier
Assistance: Denise Rudin

Mission statement